ReDesign Consortium

What are the points of leverage to be perceived as a 21st century destination for talent and technology to…expand the Heartland’s leadership as a national destination?

    • Endow Non-Profit Consortium… “U.S. Supply Chain”
    • Challenge Next Gen Leaders… a YAC* can stimulate “New Enterprise Initiatives”
    • Entangle… “Talent, Patents & Trade Secrets”
    • Shape a 21st Century Culture… “Re-Design Culture”
  • Adopt a Perspective… “Leverage & Last One Standing”

*YAC Defined:  In 1992, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation committed $42,500,000 to create a YAC “Youth Advisory Committee” for the community foundations in each of the eighty Michigan counties by making a $500,000 donation to each YAC. 

Thirty years later in 2025, some of the Walmart supply chain’s corporate headquarters could provide a $1,000,000 donation to a “designated fund” for the young leaders of 100 Heartland YAC’s in regional cities where their headquarters or branch plants are located.  If a local community foundation YAC (Youth Advisory Committee or Council) is serious about fashioning a design culture along with New Enterprise Initiatives in their city, they could apply to a Walmart supplier headquarters based in their state for that $1,000,000 grant.


The Re-Design Consortium extracts and entangles talent and intellectual property with a precision and disciple to shape a 21st century interdependent set of regional cities.  The Re-Design Consortium is an income generating non-profit 501 (c)(3).  It leverages limited financial and human resources by challenging the Walmart supply chain companies and local community foundation’s along with their “Youth Advisory Committees” to create a “Re-Design  Initiative.”  After three years of validating the strategy with tangible results in the form of re-designed products, new products, technology, and manufacturing systems, publicly traded Fortune 1000 companies and private companies will be encouraged to participate annually as well as contributing to new venture funding. See…

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