Design Cities

Collective Voice for America's Regional Cities

The Design Cities Network comprises a collection of regional cities committed to creating a design culture that helps shape a 21st century economy including primary jobs, local headquarters and sustainable economies.

Youth Advisory Council

YAC’s, at local community foundations, can provide the next generation of leaders for a “Design Cities Network” over the next five years by initially challenging a city’s youth to re-design 10% of Walmart’s products by 2030…see

Primary Jobs

Defined by Roy Williams as a product or service sold to a national market where the profits come back home to the local headquarters. See 4-minute video: "Primary Jobs" @

Patents & Inventors

Serial inventors have patented products for niche markets that can be licensed by existing MFG companies. Most inventors don't want to be entrepreneurs. A teenager can redesign a Walmart product and license it to a Walmart supplier.

MFG Companies

Existing manufacturing companies with 100-500 employees are able to scale and create primary jobs as well as increasing national GDP in manufacturing from 12% to over 18%.

Community Foundation Movement

In 1914, the 1st community foundation was founded in Cleveland, Ohio. Since 1980, the community foundation movement has exploded across the U.S. A few are the catalyst for 21st century wealth creation.

Seamless process

How It Works

01 Share your vision

Gather a team of uncommon friends who will provide the skills that you need to complete a redesign project.

02 Set Budget & timeline

Create a timeline along with a budget that allocates smaller amounts at the beginning to prepare for changes at the end.

03 research & Design

Some research is required to determine what your team believes the customer needs as opposed to what they want.

04 Implementation

It often takes three times as long and three times as much money to complete a redesign project.

Inspired to apply?

Please fill out the form, so we can learn more about you and your needs or contact Bill Wilkie at…

doc.wilkie at

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